
The source code for each project is available on GitHub

GPS Tracking App

Developed in Android Studio using Java, XML, JSON, and Firebase for the database.

This project was nominated as top 10 out of 300 projects for a presentation held by University of Westminster in collaboration with Netcompany. This android application was designed to encourage physical activity. It uses the google maps API to create paths taken by each user and stores them along with their statistics, to create a personal diary. Users can gain digital rewards while using the app and participate in a global leaderboard.

Project management system

Project was created using C#, ASP.NET, HTML, CSS, and SQL

A Blazor web application similar to Trello and Jira. It is a dynamic application which uses CRUD operations on various pages. The application is able to create cards within cards which change appearance based on the operations done to them. Users can gain digital rewards while using the app and participate in a global leaderboard.

Multiplayer Game

Created using Unity game engine, C#, Photon service, and Microsoft Azure PlayFab

A 3D game where up to 4 players can join in a lobby and play against each other. The aim of this Unity project was to create a functional multiplayer game where players can create rooms/lobbies, where they can enter a match and interact with each other from different machines, on different networks.


Computer Science | BSc University of Westminster
Degree classification: First Class Honours

Valuable courses completed:

  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Database Systems
  • Client Server Architecture
  • Network Games and Security
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Machine Learning and Data Mining
  • Web Design and Development
  • Applied AI



Languages: Java, C#, Kotlin, Python, R, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Knowledge in .Net platform, and Blazor framework

Familiar with JSON data

Solid experience with version control via Git

Experience with Unity engine

Fundamental understanding of computer hardware




Problem solving

Excellent communication skills

Ability to work under pressure

